Create your future-proof business strategy

Our approach centres sustainability by exploring the very real impacts of environmental systems instability - more than climate change - on the survivability of business.

When we talk about facing brutal reality, this is what we mean.


noun [ suh-stey-nuh-bil-i-tee ]
  • meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future
  • the degree to which a process or enterprise is able to be maintained or continued

Instead of asking questions of challenges as if they are discrete from one another, we look at the whole system.

We can do better at those operational challenges AND deliver a truly sustainable business.

That would be pretty wild.

(deep understanding of the current situation and capabilities) 

(a vision of what is possible and a prediction of what’s to come).

(deep understanding of the current situation and capabilities) 

(a vision of what is possible and a prediction of what’s to come).

Strategy requires INSIGHT


Here's how we'll get it done:

Sustainability Assessment:
First we'll get a clear picture of where you stand.

Sustainability Assessment:
First we'll get a clear picture of where you stand.


Let's do this.


Situation Analysis:
Then we’ll understand the internal and external factors at play and the audiences you are best placed to serve.

Situation Analysis:
Then we’ll understand the internal and external factors at play and the audiences you are best placed to serve.



Business Model Audit:
From there we’ll analyse your business model, identifying risks and opportunities.

Business Model Audit:
From there we’ll analyse your business model, identifying risks and opportunities.

Brand Foundations:
Refining your vision, purpose, values, beliefs, personality, and tone of voice comes next.

Brand Foundations:
Refining your vision, purpose, values, beliefs, personality, and tone of voice comes next.


From there, we’ll engage in some focused ideation and iteration to generate the ideas that will take you into the future.

From there, we’ll engage in some focused ideation and iteration to generate the ideas that will take you into the future.



Future-Fit Strategy Development:
Then we’ll pull it all together to create a strategic plan that positions you for long-term success.

Future-Fit Strategy Development:
Then we’ll pull it all together to create a strategic plan that positions you for long-term success.

If you’re ready, we are too.
Our next step is to have a chat to understand more about your business and dive into your current thinking. 

Strategy with a dose of reality.


✓ Attracting great talent
✓ Building stakeholder trust
✓ Creating enduring value 
✓ Leveraging opportunities  

All of this...

✕ Risking regulatory penalty
✕ Missing out on capital, tenders, grants
✕ Watching competitors surge ahead
✕ Making ‘wishes’ not strategies

None of this...

"Melissa very successfully helped my colleagues and me identify and challenge our business paradigms that were no longer relevant. As a consequence, she did much more than just rebrand our business. She facilitated bringing alive a refreshed clarity on our "why". Yes, we all like our new name, but we are benefiting from our refined and custom purpose and mission."

- Kevin Wallace, Stoke Consulting