White Paper: The Sustainability Gap: Why Australia's Leading Companies Aren't Leading At All


A Cultivate Innovation workshop is for you if:

You need to create a unified understanding of what innovation means

You need to engage and empower your team to think creatively 

You want to be seen as an innovator in your market

You’re looking to equip your team with fresh frameworks they can then explore and shape into their own


Unshackle from 'business as usual' thinking by unlocking imagination and creativity

Are your team's ideas feeling a bit stale? Is your new team struggling to gel or your existing team finding it hard to break new ground? Innovation thrives on creativity and imagination, but sometimes, teams get stuck in a rut.

Our Cultivate Innovation Workshop is designed to shake things up and get your team thinking more creatively.

Here's how what will go down:

Conduct an external analysis: Explore how to build a greater understanding of the challenge presented in the case study 

Conduct an external analysis: Explore how to build a greater understanding of the challenge presented in the case study 

Articulate the problem/s to be solved: Create a universal way to articulate a problem using design thinking principles

Articulate the problem/s to be solved: Create a universal way to articulate a problem using design thinking principles

Ideation: Break into smaller groups to come up with multiple solutions to the problem 

Ideation: Break into smaller groups to come up with multiple solutions to the problem 

Share / present ideas for feedback: Learn and use proven narrative frameworks to present ideas to the broader team

Share / present ideas for feedback: Learn and use proven narrative frameworks to present ideas to the broader team

Iteration: Collaboratively build in feedback to evolve the ideas 

Iteration: Collaboratively build in feedback to evolve the ideas 

Selection: Present the evolved ideas back to the team before ranking them using a universal structure

Selection: Present the evolved ideas back to the team before ranking them using a universal structure

We’ll select a case study from a different industry to yours (so the stakes are lower and we can free people’s imaginations) and follow a full innovation process, as follows:


✓ 1 x full day (at your location) or 2 x 1/2 day workshops (online)

✓ Materials and references for the team to refer back to

✓ A summary of the process of innovation 

✓ 1 x full day (at your location) or 2 x 1/2 day workshops (online)
✓ Materials and references for the team to refer back to
✓ A summary of the process of innovation 

After the workshop you and your team will: 

✓ have expanded their creative thinking and problem-solving skills

✓ have developed presentation and influencing skills

✓ have created new habits for staying on top of external forces (embedding external context into everyday thinking)

✓ have expanded their creative thinking and problem-solving skills
✓ have developed presentation and influencing skills
✓ have created new habits for staying on top of external forces (embedding external context into everyday thinking)


Let's do this.

If you’re ready to unshackle from business as usual thinking, we got you.
Our next step is to have a chat to understand more about what you're hoping to achieve and how we can help you.

Check out our white paper - “The Sustainability Gap: Why Australia’s Leading Companies Aren’t Leading at All”. It's a strategic review of how big business’s failings present an untapped opportunity for SMEs and how SMEs can take advantage of this.

Keen to learn more for yourself?

Keen to learn more for yourself?